2009-07-16 - Texas Speedwork


~9 miles @ ~10 min/mi average

Bats flitter by, out for a late night on the town as Venus, Jupiter, and the Moon hang bright in the pre-dawn sky. Daily high temperatures have been at or above 100°F for the past two weeks in Austin TX. Yesterday I arrive to visit with family, and to be here during my stepmother Dorothy's surgery. This morning I'm heading for LBJ High School, where I ran three years ago (cf. RemindMeNeverTo). I jog ~1.5 miles to the rubberized track, past the shopping center where I picked up excellent egg foo yung carry-out last evening. Spiral ramps take me over Route 183 and down again. Purple Sage Drive leads me to the nice rubberized track. I caught sight of it yesterday from the airplane window during our descent.

On 2006-07-07 I did eight 800m repeats at an average pace of 4:27 each with half a lap (~2 min) of walk-recovery between. Today I do ten of the same at 3:55 each on the average, the final one a blitz in 3:34 to impress a young lady in a quilted jacket walking along the track with weights in her hands. I'm soaking wet, dripping with sweat before I jog back to my Mother's home where I lived in the 1960s. Other folks this morning are also walking the track. They're mostly tattooed and listening to iPods. Texas seems to have become the land of big cars, something like a Soviet Union with air conditioners.

(boring list of 800m times: 3:59 + 3:58 + 3:50 + 3:59 + 3:55 + 3:55 + 3:54 + 3:53 + 3:51 + 3:34) - ^z - 2009-07-26